Restaurants and gastronomy in Plaine Commune
A trip to any of the towns in Plaine commune wouldn’t be complete without a culinary pause to explore the specialities on offer here.
A large choice of restaurants
Plaine Commune boasts a rich tradition in gastronomy inspired by the various origins of the people that make up the community. During your time in Plaine Commune, treat yourself to a colourful culinary journey in one of the restaurants we have selected for you to discover speciality dishes from all four corners of the globe!
Our colourful markets – take your senses on a journey around the world
Plaine Commune is proud to be home to the Saint-Denis market, one of the largest and oldest markets in the Greater Paris region.
Here, the markets reflect the cosmopolitan culture. So, whether you find yourself in Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen or Aubervilliers, you can explore the diverse range of products on offer, a warm and friendly atmosphere, a mix of colours, spice-filled aromas and goods from all over the world.
In the markets, carrots and cabbages can be found alongside exotic foods like pineapples, guavas, as well as specialities from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Maghreb. Bon voyage!